We have now closed the 2016 survey for pilots visiting the Cedar Key Airport so we may compile the report. A very warm and heartfelt thank you to all who completed a survey this past year. We look forward to sharing with you, the Friends of KCDK and aviation community, the responses received as well as presenting direct evidence to the city of Cedar Key and Levy County on just how much the airfield is enjoyed and supportive of the local economy. Check back here or like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter for updates about the survey report and other airport activities. Currently our mailing list is inop as Mail Chimp is requiring payment to maintain the number of our member contacts, which is over 200.
All of the Friends of the Cedar Key Airport expenses are currently sponsored directly out of pocket by our founder and president, Walter. This includes web hosting, airport signage, promotion, and the online survey client -- totaling just under $400 for the year (2016). While we hope to do another official call for donations towards a development plan of the association and the airfield (several years ago we were successful in raising enough to support installing a port-a-potty for a year), until then if you do feel inspired to monetarily support us in this pilots-helping-pilots operation it would be most appreciated >>> please contact us at [email protected] for donation information. (Please note, we are unincorporated and so are not eligible for tax deduction.) We do hope you enjoy visiting Cedar Key and the Cedar Key Airport (KCDK) and that we can help support you to have a safe and wonderful stay in years to come! |